Many are surprised that I pay no attention to feeding guides on packets of dog foods.
The main reason for this is I consider the ingredients of the food more important than how much you feed your dog.
To put it bluntly, if you’re feeding your dog a kibble rammed with starchy carbs then you probably don’t want to feed the amount it says on the bag anyway.
On the other hand, if you feed your dog a high-quality commercial dog food, BARF, raw, or some homemade raw concoction, they will more likely retain a natural weight.
Don’t believe me?
Ever seen a fat lion, tiger, wolf, or other wild carnivore? Even one with an abundance of natural food (i.e. prey)?
It’s actually only us, and animals fed by us who become overweight and obese, and the reason for that is more about what we eat or what we feed our pets.
I rarely see overweight raw fed dogs, but I see many overweight and lethargic dubious-quality-kibble fed dogs. Ironically, we often turn to low fat diets to lose weight, yet those kibbles I speak of are already low fat, but very high carb.
Animal fats are a natural food and energy source for our dogs. High-carbohydrate grains and plant-matter are not. Go figure.
If you’re doubting me already then move on over to one of the countless websites which give you some spiel about how much to feed your dog based on weight (kg/day) without considering what you’re actually feeding them or whether it’s even appropriate for them.
Let’s talk cats (because cats matter)
I like to discuss cats as a fantastic example, because science has duped us into believing dogs are omnivores like us when they very clearly aren’t.
Did you know cats eat to satiate?
What that means, is if you feed them the right foods (i.e. whole prey – meat, organs, raw meaty bones) they will not overeat, and they won’t get fat.
With that in mind, don’t you think it’s surprising how many fat cats there are?
And what are all those fat cats fed?
Grains, plant matter, potatoes, and other starchy carbohydrates. Usually in a cleverly marketed bag of pet food which tells you how this non-carnivore rubbish is great for your carnivorous cat.
Are the feeding guidelines on that bag of cat food useful?
No, of course not.
Do you think dogs are any different?
Why feeding guidelines are misleading
Feeding guidelines are often based on how much to feed a dog by weight (kg/day), or by calorie, but it’s more important to consider what you’re feeding your dog rather than how much of it.
Other factors need to be considered too, which feeding guidelines as a “blunt tool” do not cover.
It may sound obvious, but your dog’s food intake must be adjusted based on the activity levels of your dog, not just their age and breed.
It’s the same for us.
A complete and balanced bag of “Human Food” may have feeding guidelines telling us how much we should eat and how often based on our weight, but I’m sure there are super fit athletes who weigh what I do as a slightly overweight middle-aged and relatively inactive father of a four year old.
We all have different lifestyles and activity levels regardless of our age, and the same applies to our dogs.
The worst thing you can do is stop feeding your super active Labrador three meals a day when they’re a healthy weight, just because some label on a bag of dog food tells you to only feed 2 cups.
I find feeding guidelines vary greatly from brand to brand. Some may adjust for the amount of redundant filler in their product compared to the nutritional ingredients your dog really needs. Perhaps some recommend feeding less than most dogs need, simply because geeky pet owners may calculate the amount of cups in a bag, and therefore believe a bag may last longer than it should.
All dogs are different, even within the same age and breed category, and most dogs (and owners) have vastly different activity levels and lifestyles.
If your dog is overweight, that’s a clear sign you should re-assess how much we’re feeding them, but also what we’re feeding them, and the same applies for underweight dogs.
Think of your dog as a carnivore, not an omnivore
We are often told dogs are omnivores, but they’re also classed as scavenging carnivores or facultative carnivores from the Order Carnivora.
When a poor quality grain inclusion in a dog food costs a fraction of a poor quality meat inclusion, you can begin to understand why pet food companies love us to view our dogs as omnivores. It gives them the perfect excuse to stuff a kibble full of crap.
What do you think sells like hot cakes – a dog food made mostly of grains for $2 and sold for $3, or the same weight of dog food made from meat for $20 and sold for $30? Same percentage markup, but it’s the cheap bag which sells in droves.
Convincing us our dogs are omnivores is an easy sell given they will practically eat anything we put in front of their mouth, but it doesn’t mean it’s right, healthy, or optimal.
Quite the opposite, and I bet if you’re reading this because your dog is overweight then you’re already starting to realise it’s more about what you’re feeding them than how much you feed them?
Please don’t be upset by that – I’ve just given you the most important fact to help you get your dog back to a healthy weight!
If you think of your dog as a carnivore, or at least with a carnivore-bias, you’ll start to read ingredients panels on pet foods with a tonne of questions running through your mind.
Oh, and your dog will probably become healthier too, because poor weight and health issues go hand in hand.
Different types of dog food, and how they affect weight
Many decades ago “kibble” (or “biscuits” in Australia) became the norm. Before that it was meat and table-scraps which were arguably healthier. We’re suckers for convenience products, aren’t we?
Here are some of the types of dog food we feed, and how they can have a direct relation to the weight of our dogs:
Type of Dog Food | Impact on Your Dog’s Weight |
Kibble | Kibble is often calorie-dense and easy to overfeed because of its dry, compact nature. It can cause weight gain if your dog’s portions are not controlled. I would recommend opting for a meat-based kibble rather than a weight-management kibble, or reduce kibble and combine with one of the more meat-based options below. |
Wet Food/Canned | Wet food is higher in moisture and lower in calorie density per gram, and given wet food usually has less “filler” means it may help with weight management. However, keep in mind many wet foods aren’t as species appropriate as you may think, with some being “filler” ingredients coloured to look like meat. I would recommend feeding a high quality meat and animal fat wet food over one made of high-carbohydrate fillers which your dog may struggle to digest. |
Air-Dried and Freeze-Dried | Air-dried and freeze-dried foods are lightweight and nutrient-dense, and will likely satisfy and satiate your dog better than kibble or canned food. However, when transitioning from a kibble your dog may seem hungrier when adjusting to the new intake. |
Raw and Fresh | Feeding raw or fresh food can help maintain a lean body condition by promoting muscle growth and reducing fillers. When fed correctly, feeding raw can truly support a healthy weight naturally, but overfeeding can still cause your dog to gain weight. |
BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) | BARF diets are designed to provide balanced nutrition for your dog and can support a leaner body condition due to the focus on raw meats and minimal (to no) fillers. Overfeeding can still lead to weight gain, with the simple solution to reduce how much you feed your dog. |
Adjust what you feed before adjusting portion size
Portion size does matter, especially for dogs, and especially for dogs who will happily eat until the cows come home.
However, if you’re feeding your dog a high calorie dog food made from starchy carbs which is hard for them to digest, then reducing the portion size will also amount to reducing the scant nutrition in that brand of dog food.
If you are confident your dog’s diet is decent, or the best you can afford on your budget (which is nothing to be ashamed of), then consider reducing portion size.
Inappropriate snacks and treats
You may be surprised to learn most dog treats are completely inappropriate for dogs.
I could write pages on what I think about sugar – a substance which we tell our kids is unhealthy, then reward them with the stuff – but the fact is we succumb to these unhealthy pleasures, and we impose them on our pets to make us feel good.
Dog treats made of grains, sugar, glycerins, colourings, additives, and all manner of other rubbish will not make your dog happy, they’ll make your dog sick and overweight.
That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t give our dogs treats.
Far from it.
Here are some treats your dog will absolutely and truly love – raw meats or meat-based treats, eggs, meaty off-cuts, carrots, apple, fish, or a nice and tasty raw meaty bone.
Guess what, these won’t make your dog fat, and in all likelihood will make them healthier.
The reality is the treats our dogs love the most are the treats which are the most beneficial for them!
How often and how regular should you feed a dog?
Dogs like routine.
My dog knows her routine like clockwork – 8am and 7pm are feeding times, and 5pm is her afternoon walk. The only time she gets wrong is her morning walk which she thinks is 5.30am when it’s really 7am.
An average adult dog will need 1 to 2 meals a day, although many will feed 3 meals a day combined with various snacks. Reducing meals down from 3 to 2, or 2 to 1 a day will reduce calories and help them reduce weight.
If your dog is underweight, maybe you need to increase meals instead, or feed a higher-calorie decent quality dog food, ideally meat-based rather than heavy grain or plant-based formulas.
Feeding schedules based on age (and/or medical conditions)
Once you’ve settled on a decent quality and appropriate diet, here are example feeding schedules based on age:
Age Group | Feeding Frequency | Reason | Exceptions |
Puppies (Up to 6 Months) | 3–4 meals per day | Your puppy is growing rapidly and has a small stomach that requires frequent meals. | Large or giant breeds may need portion control to avoid overly rapid growth and joint issues. |
Adolescents (6 Months – 1 Year) | 2–3 meals per day | Your dog is transitioning to adult patterns but still requires extra energy for growth. | Large breeds may grow until 18–24 months and benefit from longer meal splitting. |
Adults (1–7 Years) | 1–2 meals per day | Your dog’s metabolism and growth have stabilised. | Small or toy breeds may need 3 meals to avoid hypoglycemia, and active or working dogs may need more frequent meals. |
Seniors (7+ Years) | 1–2 meals per day | Your dog may have a slower metabolism and different nutritional needs. | Dogs with medical conditions (e.g., diabetes) may require multiple small meals daily. |
Fast days
Cats must be fed every day, but dogs can benefit from a fast day. With consideration, this can help your dog lose some weight and let their digestive system detoxify.
Fasting schedules
How often you fast your dog will depend on their age, health, and dietary needs, so here are some general fasting schedules:
Category | Guidelines |
Healthy Adult Dogs | Fasting once a week or fortnight is sometimes recommended for dogs on raw or ancestral diets. Ensure your dog is well-hydrated and engaged with enrichment or low-stress activities. |
Puppies, Seniors, and Special Cases | Puppies should never fast as they need consistent energy for growth. Senior dogs should avoid fasting unless cleared by a vet, as their metabolism and health can be delicate. Dogs with medical conditions like diabetes or pancreatitis should not fast without professional guidance. |
Potential benefits
Fasting can mimic natural feeding patterns, allowing your dog’s digestive system to rest and detoxify.
Over-fasting or fasting the wrong dog can lead to stress, low blood sugar, or nutritional deficiencies.
If in doubt, I must advice seeking advice from your veterinarian on a canine nutritionist who will discuss diet combined with fasting in general.
A recap and summary
The key points can be summarised as:
- Think of your dog as primarily a carnivore, not an omnivore
- Feed your dog the right food and you will help them retain a healthy weight naturally
- There are many ways to feed your dog which directly affect their weight, and these should be considered if you’re currently feeding a kibble or wet/canned food which may contain fillers
- Raw, BARF, air-dried, freeze-dried, or a quality wet food or kibble may help your dog return to a healthy weight
- High carbohydrate commercial pet foods should be considered more the cause of weight gain than high animal fat foods
- Pay more attention to your individual dog’s weight, age, breed, activity levels, and lifestyle than feeding guidelines on a bag of pet food which may be inaccurate
- Age, breed, and health conditions must always be considered
- Using the above information, you can now consider how much and how often you feed your dog
- Only feed appropriate snacks and treats
- Fasting may be an option to help an overweight dog return to a healthier weight, or for a healthy weight dog to gain the benefits of fasting. Never fast a cat – cats must be fed daily.
- If in doubt, speak with your veterinarian or a reputable canine nutritionist.