Žyma: Dog

Augintinio mityba

How much should you feed a dog?

Many are surprised that I pay no attention to feeding guides on packets of dog foods. The main reason for this is I consider the ingredients of the food more important than how much you feed your dog. To put it bluntly, if you’re feeding your dog […]

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19 Best Dog Foods in 2024
Augintinio priežiūra

19 Best Dog Foods in 2024

Our dogs do so much for us, so it’s only fair that we reward them with the best adult dog food or puppy food to help their development. The options include hypoallergenic, grain-free, non-GMO, dry, wet, freeze-dried, and raw dog food. For the newbie dog owner, it can be a little daunting! In this article, […]

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Susipažinkite su 14-ųjų kasmetinių American Humane Hero Dog Awards® nugalėtoju, teisėsaugos šuo Bo – Dogster
Augintinio priežiūra

Susipažinkite su 14-ųjų kasmetinių American Humane Hero Dog Awards® nugalėtoju, teisėsaugos šuo Bo – Dogster

Jei dar negirdėjote apie American Humane Hero Dog Awards® apdovanojimus, pats laikas įsijungti! Jie ką tik atšventė savo 14-ąjį metinį renginį ir paskelbė apie naujausią geriausią Amerikos šunį: teisėsaugos šunį Bo. „American Humane Hero Dog Awards®“ yra visos šalies renginys, skirtas išskirtiniams šunims visose Jungtinėse Valstijose, pripažįstant juos penkiose skirtingose ​​kategorijose: terapiniai šunys, tarnybiniai ir […]

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Scratch Dog Food Review
Augintinio mityba

Scratch Dog Food Review

In most reviews I compare the ingredients of various kibbles (or biscuits as we shouldn’t glamourise them as in Australia), but if you ask my honest opinion I’m more an advocate for raw dog food rather than the kibble which most of us consider the “norm”. […]

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Grain Free Dog Food
Augintinio mityba

Grain Free Dog Food

Before I recommend grain free dog foods I want to make sure you know why these may be better for your dog. The reason I say that is (in a nice way) it may not be the reason you think. In my many years involvement with […]

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