5Strands Pet Intolerances and Imbalances Test Review 2024: Investigate Your Pet’s Health Problems With This At-Home Test

5Strands Pet Intolerances and Imbalances Test Review 2024: Investigate Your Pet’s Health Problems With This At-Home Test

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Our Final Verdict

We give the Pet Intolerances and Imbalances Test a rating of 5 out of 5 stars.

Quality: 5/5

Accuracy: 5/5

Usability: 5/5

Convenience: 5/5

Value: 5/5

As a pet parent, you know when something isn’t right with your four-legged friend. Whether they’re constantly scratching or they have an upset stomach, it’s heartbreaking to watch them suffer and frustrating to not have answers, especially if you’ve tried everything you can think of to help them feel better. That’s where at-home sensitivity tests can be lifesavers (literally).

In your quest for answers you might have stumbled across intolerance tests you can do at home. They’re pretty popular for humans, but a few brands have tests for pets as well. 5Strands is one of the brands that makes at-home sensitivity tests for humans and animals, and their Pet Intolerances and Imbalances Test is one of their most comprehensive tests for pets. With over 460 items tested, 5Strands helps you get to the root of the problem by testing to see if your pet has food and environmental intolerances or vitamin and mineral imbalances.

After sending in a hair sample, you’ll receive a detailed report showing exactly what your furry friend is sensitive to and how bad the sensitivity is. If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to check up on your pet, this test is a great one to get.

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5Strands Pet Intolerances and Imbalances Test Review - test kit contents

Product Type: Non-invasive test that detects if your pet has food or environmental sensitivities or vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Best Suited For: Cats and dogs with ongoing health concerns
Price Range: Pricey
Items Tested:
  • 272 Foods
  • 123 Environmental Items
  • 44 Nutritional Imbalances
  • 42 Heavy Metals & Mineral Imbalances
Text Kit Options: 5Strands has nine tests for pets that analyze everything from raw food sensitivities to heavy metal imbalances
Type of Sample: The test requires a hair sample
Turnaround Time: Results are available 5 business days after the lab receives your pet’s hair sample
  • Parchment paper bag
  • Anti-static bag
  • Return poly shipping bag
  • Return shipping label
  • Information card

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Our Experience

5Strands Pet Intolerances and Imbalances Test Review - putting fur sample in bag

Since Micah was a puppy, he’s struggled with a few health issues, like digestive upset. As he grew up, he started to show signs of itching and discomfort: constant scratching, paw biting, and dry skin. While these have always been more of chronic and annoying intolerance problems than acute, life-threatening issues (thank goodness!), he’s clearly miserable when the signs flare up.

Over the years, I’ve tried different supplements and vet-recommended diets with little to no success. His vet recommended allergy treatments, but most were based on steroids and I wasn’t keen on giving him these meds right off the bat. Even though there are a few foods I know he’s sensitive to, it’s mostly been trial and error trying to figure out what works for him and what to stay away from.

Needless to say, when I heard about 5Strands, I was eager to give them a shot!

When the test kit arrived, I followed the instructions to register the ID code and collect the hair sample. Micah has a lot of doodle fluff so the sample was easy for me to get (I used scissors to cut a small chunk of his fur). Once I secured the sample in the bag, I folded the box with the sample inside, put the box in the provided mailer, and shipped the package back to 5Strands using the pre-paid label.

The turnaround time was impressively fast. I got the results via email three days after the lab notified me they received the sample.

I thought the results were fairly easy to understand (the color-coded chart definitely helps), but it can be overwhelming to see all the colored dots. Having the test come back with so many red dots was a little alarming for me, but at the same time, they made so much sense.

The flagged items matched up with what I know Micah is sensitive to (beef, quinoa, and yeast to name a few), and the ones that were new to me felt like a lightbulb moment. Even the most random ones made sense. Micah tested in the red for pear trees, which initially seemed irrelevant, but I have a pear tree in my yard that he wanders around all the time!

I love that the test includes vitamins, minerals, and heavy metals as well. These have been crucial in understanding Micah’s health picture and 5Strands does a fantastic job of including the essential ones.

After everything I’ve tried, 5Strands has been one of the most helpful resources. It’s allowed me to take action without worrying about making Micah worse and I’m looking forward to starting the elimination protocol. One of the first things I’ll do is change his diet so he’s not eating any Level 2 or 3 food items and minimize his exposure to Level 3 environmental items (I’ve already sectioned off the pear tree so he can’t go anywhere near it). I’ll also work with his vet to address any vitamin and mineral deficiencies or heavy metal imbalances.

Pros & Cons


  • Accurate
  • Comprehensive
  • User-friendly
  • Fast turnaround
  • Non-invasive
  • Veterinarian recommended
  • Over 460 items tested

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Key Features

5Strands Pet Intolerances and Imbalances Test Review - test kit

What to Expect

The test kit arrives in a padded mailer with the contents packaged in a box. This is the same box you’ll use to mail the sample back, so be sure to open it carefully. After opening the package, the first thing you’ll do is register the kit on 5Strands’ website using your unique ID code. This connects the sample to your account so you can see your pet’s results once they’re posted.

Next, collect a hair sample from your pet and place it in the provided bag. How you collect the sample is up to you, but be sure to get at least  20-25 strands of hair if your pup’s hair is less than 1 inch long, for an accurate sample. At this point, you can reconstruct the box and place the sample inside. Put the box in the provided mailer with the prepaid shipping label on it and drop it off at the post office. Results are available within five business days of the lab receiving the sample.

How it Works

The hair sample is tested with bioresonance technology, an innovative technology that uses energy to detect intolerances and imbalances in the body. Humans, animals, foods, and pretty much every other item (environmental agents, minerals, metals, etc.) emit frequencies that can be detected energetically. When the lab gets your pet’s hair sample, they use bioresonance to pick up on those frequencies and identify which items your pet is sensitive to and how severe the sensitivity is.


When the results are ready, you’ll receive an email with a document where you can view them. Your online account will also have a copy of the document, a downloadable spreadsheet, and a list of the results that you can filter and sort through. One of the first things you’ll probably notice is each item is labeled with a color and a level. The colors and levels correlate with each other and tell you what your pet is sensitive to and the degree of severity.

The severity is outlined by the following:

  • Grey: No significant intolerance/imbalance detected
  • Green (Level 1): Mild intolerance/imbalance detected
  • Yellow (Level 2): Moderate intolerance/imbalance detected
  • Red (Level 3): Severe intolerance/imbalance detected

5Strands recommends eliminating Level 2 and Level 3 food items for 6-8 weeks and minimizing Level 3 environmental items as much as you can. For the imbalances section, they recommend supplementing vitamins and minerals as needed and mitigating heavy metal exposure. If you need help interpreting the results, 5Strands offers one-on-one consultations for an additional cost.

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About 5Strands

5Strands Pet Intolerances and Imbalances Test Review - Micah with test kit contents

Founded: 5Strands was founded in 2017 by Austin Collins and Lisa Blaurock
Mission: To empower families with a voice about their healthcare and that of their pets
Manufacturing: Test kits are produced and shipped from Lawrenceville, Georgia
Shipping: Orders are fulfilled Monday through Friday and are sent out the same day of purchase if placed before 2 PM EST
Returns: Unused test kits can be returned for a refund within 30 days

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Is the Pet Imbalances and Intolerances Test a Good Value?

This is an expensive test, but if your dog has chronic issues that you can’t seem to figure out, it’s well worth investing in. Within a few weeks, you’ll have a clear picture of what’s causing their discomfort and a solid understanding of how you can help relieve it. 5Strands has several different test options for pets as well, so if the Pet Intolerances and Imbalances Test is a bit too pricey, you can always choose a different one that matches your budget and your pet’s needs.

How We Tested

After receiving the test kit, I followed the instructions on the box to collect the hair sample and mail it back. The whole process–from kit registration to boxing up the sample–took about 20 minutes. Since Micah has longer hair, I only needed 10-15 strands, but if your pet has short hair, you’ll need at least 20. A few days after sending out the package, I received an email letting me know the lab received the sample, and three days after that, they emailed me the results (super fast turnaround!).

After reviewing the results, I focused on the food section first since digestive issues have been such a big problem for Micah. I wanted to know if there were any Level 2 and Level 3 items in his food (there were several). Since these are the ones Micah is most reactive to, I’m planning to find a diet that doesn’t have these ingredients.

Next, I focused on the environmental section. Along with several outdoor elements, I was surprised to see he’s highly sensitive to cotton and polyester–definitely good to know! I then finished off by reviewing the vitamins, minerals, and metals and will supplement and minimize his exposure accordingly.

5Strands Pet Intolerances and Imbalances Test Review - holding Micah's fur

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I know if my pet has intolerances or imbalances?

Common signs of food and environmental intolerances include:

  • Chronic itching
  • Skin rashes
  • Paw licking
  • Digestive issues
  • Behavioral changes

Common signs of vitamin and mineral imbalances include:

  • Fatigue
  • Frequent infections
  • Dry skin
  • Dull coat

How do I know which test is right for my pet?

A free quiz is available on 5Strands’ website to help you determine which test is best for your furry friend. The quiz only takes a few minutes to complete and results are available immediately.

Will I need to retest my pet?

5Strands recommends retesting your pet every six months. Intolerances and imbalances are constantly in flux depending on your pet’s diet and lifestyle, so retesting every six months keeps you up-to-date on sensitivities and helps you stay ahead of your pet’s health.

How much hair do I need for the sample?

If the hair is longer than 1 inch, 10-15 strands are needed. If the hair is shorter than 1 inch, 20-25 strands are needed.

5Strands Pet Intolerances and Imbalances Test Review - screenshot of results

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5Strands’ Pet Intolerances and Imbalances test is a great way to find out exactly what’s making your animal companion sick without invasive testing or dropping hundreds of dollars at the vet. By testing over 460 items, you’ll know exactly what’s causing your pet discomfort and have a clear idea of how you can help them moving forward.

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